Rapid Antigen Testing is now available on your business site in Sydney.
We offer both on-site or remote telehealth options for your convenience.
Keep your business open with Rapid Antigen Testing for your employees.
We can provide teams of Rapid Antigen testers to set up an area at your business for performing rapid antigen testing. Ideal if you have large numbers of people to be tested.
We supply you with the kits, and one of our skilled medical staff guides your staff through the process of performing self-tests via video link. Perfect for smaller teams or teams in remote locations.
PCR tests have been the 'Gold Standard' for Covid-19. However, the result turnaround time is 24-72 hours.
Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) is a fast and convenient way to test for Covid-19, giving a result in just 10 minutes - the fastest available.
Positive Health Group makes it easy and convenient for you to provide a high-quality Rapid Antigen Testing service to you and your employees.
Call 02 9804 0480 to discuss your on-site Rapid Antigen Testing session and make a booking. We can attend your business premises all across Sydney and surrounding areas, or we can provide a more cost-effective remote telehealth service where we provide you the kits and your staff test themselves under remote, video-link supervision.
When you have your Rapid Antigen Tests with Positive Health Group, we ensure that you get a fast and effective service for the health and protection of you and your employees.
Positive Health Group employs the CareStart COVID-19 Antigen rapid test, which produces results in just 10 minutes — the fastest rapid antigen test available. (Most others are 15-30 minutes).
CareStart is the rapid antigen test used by the Commonwealth Government and AUSMAT for daily testing of staff at Howard Springs and on international deployments. It is also currently being used for the Government's aged care pilot in south-west Sydney and by various large private companies across Australia.
Developed and manufactured in the USA by Access Bio, CareStart is registered with both the TGA and FDA following extensive clinical trials out of the USA that demonstrate a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 99.3%, with substantial local validation data from the Doherty Institute, NSW Health and PathWest.
Due to its speed (10 minutes), ease-of-use and low cost, CareStart COVID-19 Antigen is highly suitable for rapid, frequent onsite-screening of large groups.
In addition, CareStart COVID-19 Antigen is one of the few rapid antigen tests that has TGA certification for the anterior (shallow) nasal collection method — much less invasive than nasopharyngeal (deep nasal) collection.
Arrive at the screening area 5 minutes before appointment to complete a short form to collect their details.
Patient called to the Testing Room
Rapid Antigen Testing procedure takes just a few minutes per person to complete.